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Unit 5 First aid 运用词汇(会认, 会写,理解意思,会运用) aid temporary injury bleed poison complex variety mild swell swollen unbearable squeeze vital symptom pour damp tight firm ceremony bravery treat apply pressure ambulance 与本单元词汇相关的作文常用表达 give/perform first aid 进行急救 in place 在适当的位置 sense of touch 触觉 be stuck to the table 粘在桌子上 knock over 打倒;打翻 be honoured/be presented with award 被授予荣誉 a knowledge of first aid 急救知识 get/be involved in... 参与……;被卷入……;陷入…… squeeze out another 500 dollars 又敲走 500 美元 over and over again 一再;反复 put one's hand on sth. 找到…… apply pressure to the poor girl 对这个可怜的小女孩施压 make a difference 区别对待;起作用 Noun Verb Adjective Adverb pressure 压力;挤压; 压迫(感) press 压 pressured 感到压力的 poison 毒药;毒害 poison 毒害;使中毒 poisonous 有毒的 poisonously 有毒地 bravery 勇气;勇敢 brave 勇敢的 bravely 勇敢地 blood 血 bleed 流血 bloody 出血的 bloodily 血迹斑斑地 swell 肿胀 swell 肿胀;隆起 swollen 肿胀的 mildness 温和 mild 温和的;轻微的 mildly 温和地;轻微地 bear 忍受 unbearable 难以忍受的 unbearably 难以忍受地 tightness 紧密 tighten 使变紧 tight 紧的;紧密的 tightly 紧地;牢牢地 firmness 坚固 firm 坚固的 firmly 坚固地 temporary 暂时的; 临时的 temporarily 暂时地根据所给的中文或首字母填写单词。 1. The rain _______________ all night and many houses were flooded. 2. These regulations ________________ to everyone, without exception. 3. I fell down from my bike and made my ankles ________ so that the shoes were small for my feet. 4. Industrial wastes have ________________ the river. poured apply swollen poisoned 5. Headache and fever are mon _____________ ( 症状) of flu. 6 . There are a lot of ________________ ( 压力) on young people today. 7. There is a ________________ ( 复杂的) network of roads round the city. 8. He got ________________ in an accident. 9 . A man lay on the ground, ________________ ( 流血) heavily. 10. You can __________________ an orange to get juice out. symptoms plex injured bleeding squeeze 运用所学的短语补全句子。 。 He ________________________ to that girl. 。 This

2015年《南方新高考》高考英语(新人教版,广东通用)一轮 来自淘豆网www.taodocs.com转载请标明出处.

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  • 页数12
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  • 上传人2112770869
  • 文件大小1.47 MB
  • 时间2017-05-01