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马惠玲市二校There are forty students in our class.Lesson 10Lets chant20304050607080901002947sevensev...

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胜利路小学柴玉凤Can you find the numbers?(你能找到隐藏的数字吗?)twosixthreefivefoureightsevenI can s...

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小学英语四年级下册东港市实验小学李丹Unit 3What subject do you like best ?东港市实验小学What do you d...

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小学英语(精通版) 四年级下册Unit 3Lesson 13北辰实验小学宋会艳Let’s sing!Whats your favourite subject...

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Lesson 19人教精通版四年级英语下册Unit 4 There are seven days in a week.新南小学黄丹Give me a quick a...

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PEP小学英语四年级下册Unit 4 At the farmPart B Let’s talkEnjoy a video .Old MacDonald Had a Farm注意...

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e to my home人教精通英语四年级下册老师:王君辽宁省营口市站前区长征小学目录游戏合作巩固提高故事展开寓教...

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Unit 2 There are forty students in our class.Lesson 8boy男孩New Words:girl女孩New Words:Let’s play....

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Lesson 25have a icShall we have a ic?Let’s go and ask your dad.a sausagesausages[iz]

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Unit 8 Children’s DayPart A灵山县第二小学刘昭嫔Sing, sing, I can sing.Dance, dance, I can dance.Run...

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2013年小学英语PEP人教版三年级下册《Unit5whereismyruler》 ppt课件二
2013年小学英语PEP人教版三年级下册《Unit5whereismyruler》 ppt课件二.ppt

Unit 5 Where is my ruler?Part A let’s learnBy Gu Huijuan?日期/时间?1?日期/时间?2?日期/时间?3Today i...

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人教新版小学英语三年级下册 ppt课件LESSON26 parrot (youzhike)
人教新版小学英语三年级下册 ppt课件LESSON26 parrot (youzhike).ppt

人教新版英语三年级下册Unit 5 Its a parrot.Lesson 26It’s a kangaroo.What’s that?What’s that?It’s ...

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人教版小学英语四年级下册 Unit2《WhatTimeIsIt》课件
人教版小学英语四年级下册 Unit2《WhatTimeIsIt》课件.ppt

《PEP小学英语》四年级下册Unit 5(Lesson 1)Let’s chantprettycolourfulcolourfulprettyexpensive¥30chea...

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Unit 2 This is my pencil.Lesson 7Glad to meet you.Hi, Liyan.This is Kate.Glad to meetYou, too.

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小学英语人教版三年级起点《四年级下册B》课件 1
小学英语人教版三年级起点《四年级下册B》课件 1.ppt

Unit6ShoppingPart B Let’s talk巩义市实验小学薄文可1.能正确读、听、写并运用单词: pretty、nice、expen...

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小学英语人教版三年级起点《四年级下册Lesson6》课件 1
小学英语人教版三年级起点《四年级下册Lesson6》课件 1.ppt

e to my home人教精通英语四年级下册老师:王君辽宁省营口市站前区长征小学目录游戏合作巩固提高故事展开寓教...

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Lesson 12The Clever Monkey昌黎县直二学区刘李庄完全小学王健wolfsheepmonkey3.What does the monkey do?Q...

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Lesson 10 Where Do They Live?王滩中心小学王秋菊Let’s sing a song!Let’s chant!Put the tiger on the ...

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Lesson 11 What Do They Eat?冀教版英语三年级下册深州市深州镇中郎小学张志侠bananameatMonkeys eat banan...

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Lesson 17What’s for breakfast?Let’s review!Would you like some dumplings ?Yes , please!No , thanks...

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冀教版三年级下册 Lesson 21 In the Restaurant执教教师:赵秀娟新城道小学noodleshamburgerorangedumplings...

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At the Zoo目录DIRECTORYGame01Pictures02New words03Game04Blackboard-writing05Homework0601a.I can fly,...

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e !Lesson 3 Fish and BirdsSome useful wordsbeautiful relaxingtiring dangerouseducational peacefulfas...

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Lesson 22 How Much Is It?冀教版三年级下册国泰街学校吴柯冉What would you like?How much for one donut?...

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Let’s Go SwimmingOh , it’s hot . I wantto go swimming.I want to have some orange juice.want to 想要...

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revision of Module 3Personal information华南农业大学附属小学吴树勋和可爱的孩子们Let’s warm up!This ...

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3B Module3 Unit7 Enjoy a storySicun Primary SchoolAn Hui (安慧)Let’s read.summerspringwinterautumnF...

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Unit 4 TimePart A执教者:黄新媚闽教版小学英语第二册5931074+7= 3×4=2+5= 10-1=791112eleventwelve123456...

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Lesson2 FoodBy Miss ZhangApple tree唱!复习食物单词忆!生忆,师带Hamburger(s)cakeIce creamgrapenoodlesr...

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Unit 3 At the zoo B Let’s talk麻陂中小:郑竹燕Let’s chant :Look at the cat.It’s fat.Look at the pi...

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最新人教版pep小学三年级英语下册 ppt课件 2
最新人教版pep小学三年级英语下册 ppt课件 2.ppt

人教PEP四年级下册英语Unit 2 what time is it?免费课件下载绿色圃中小学教育网钓亿日纯坎顿骨义愉选睡锐颂...

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闽教版小学英语三年级下册Unit5PartsoftheBody ppt课件
闽教版小学英语三年级下册Unit5PartsoftheBody ppt课件.ppt

E闽教版 Unit 5 Parts of the BodyblackredwhiteyellowpinkbluegreeneyemyIouryourWe can see with oureyes...

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《 Colours》小学英语沪教深圳版英语三年级下册课件
《 Colours》小学英语沪教深圳版英语三年级下册课件.ppt

Module 1 Using my five sensesOxford EnglishPeriod 1Colours1The rainbowLook at the rainbow,The rainbo...

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冀教版小学英语三年级下册Lesson 3Fish and BirdscowchickenpigdogsheepcatduckanimalsWhat’s this?fishbi...

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《Lesson 12 Revision》课件小学英语人教版三年级起点三年级下册
《Lesson 12 Revision》课件小学英语人教版三年级起点三年级下册.ppt

Lesson 12 Fun story东丽区滨瑕小学What class are you in?I am in Class…What’s your name?My name is…...

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《Lesson 18 Revision》课件小学英语人教版三年级起点三年级下册
《Lesson 18 Revision》课件小学英语人教版三年级起点三年级下册.ppt

Less0n18滨海新区塘沽实验学校王正娥Fun storyLet’s thinkFamily TreeLet’s checkLet’s watchLet’s say...

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lesson 10 Where Do They Live?藁城市东城小学刘珂Lets Chant!What animals can you hear in this chant?在...

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广阳区九州镇垡上小学吴金颖ic learning冀教版三年级下册Unit 2Lesson 11 part 3Read out loud!eg: A is fo...

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题目: 小学英语冀教版三年级下册Lesson 12 The Clever Monkey制作人:高娜工作单位:廊坊市葛渔城镇东街小学S...

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lesson15What’s your favourite food?最喜欢的Reviewdumplingsnoodlessoupricechickenfishfruitvegetables...

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Breakfast?Lunch?and?Dinner冀教版小学英语三年级下册蔚县蔚州镇前进路第一完全小学李晓萍Unit 3 Lesson 16...

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Lesson17 Whats for breakfast?宫尹小学王莎fishmilkchickenlegredeggheadbreakfastbreadreciberadberdasop...

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Lets chant.冀教版小学英语三年级下册Lesson 18:The Magic StoneWhat’s missing ?Let’s make soup !We ne...

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Lesson 1:On thefarmLet’s learnfarmerLet’s learnpigLet’s learncowLet’s learnsheepfarmsheeppigcowf...

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执教者: 河北省沧县杜生镇王会头小学杜倩Lesson 21 : In the Restaurant冀教版小学英语三年级下册sixteen16...

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e to our class!lets chant!I say hungry, you say eat; I say hot dogs, you say water; I say hamburgers...

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Lesson3 Birds小学年级3裕华路小学马喜蕾wingfeathersbeakwingbeakfeathersone bird,one beak,two wings,ma...

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Li XiaojingLesson4 Horses and RabbitsLet’s sing a song!horsehorsesHorses can run!What animals can r...

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Lesson 5 Where?酒泉市新苑学校杨柳冀教版小学英语三年级下册Where is the rabbit?Its in the box.Its on t...

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Can I help you?通许县大岗李乡任张小学刘战清Watch and answer:What does Li Ming want?A: A book.B: A to...

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Lesson7:At the zoo堆龙德庆县丰台小学央珍zoopandamonkey``giraffedeerPractice1:I see a __ ___. It’s _...

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Lesson F What’s that?元沱小学胥海清Vocabularybedmirrorpillowblanketwindowdoorclocklampblackbrownwhi...

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Lesson L What a Beautiful Kite!龙溪小学任国敏A long nose. Don’t tell lies. 不要撒谎形容词高的矮的短...

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授课人:龙欣欣lets sing asongLets reviewLets guesscook

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制作人:通江火炬小学任晓容How Many Rabbits ?Boys and girls, how many rabbits?One, two, three, four, f...

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e toLesson Y ABC SongI can say my ABCA B C D E F GH I J K L M NO P Q R S TU V W X Y ZX Y Z Now you s...

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东关小学苏瑞艳Food and drinksLet’s singFoodbiscuiteggbreadmilkjuicewaterDrinksbiscuiteggbreadmilkju...

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videoLet’s enjoy a video.Bingo.Good afternoon!Unit7 HobbiesI do!You guess!What can you do?Guessing ...

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沪教2011课标版小学三年级下册执教者:阳泉市郊区白羊墅学校Module 3 My colourful lifeOxford EnglishPerio...

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Unit 7HoobiesModule 3 My colourful lifeEnjoy a songwhat do you like?bearmonkeylionpandaelephanttiger...

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《Recycle1》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册 3
《Recycle1》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册 3.ppt

Meeting FriendsMiss XuApr.17th,2013AntWhere are you from?I’m from the sky(天空).Hello!What‘s your ...

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PEP 四年级下册Recycle 1Read aloudWe have a show in the library today.What time?At 4 o’clock.What ti...

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Save Snow White环城小学陈静仪Bomb bomb game

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《Recycle2》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册 2
《Recycle2》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册 2.ppt

PEP三年级下册Recycle 2在语篇中复习介词企石镇东山小学姚柳芳Recycle 2Listen and draw企石镇东山小学姚柳...

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《Recycle2》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册 1
《Recycle2》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册 1.ppt

在情境中进行复习企石镇东山小学姚占佳PEP三年级下册Recycle 2 Listen and draw微课简介本微课的主要教学内...

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Pep四年级下册Recycle 2 第一课时Read aloud.夹津口镇中心小学康延红What’s the weather like today?It’...

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Recycle Mike’s happy daysMiss ZhouRecycle Mike’s happy daysMiss ZhouDay 1 A beautiful farmLets pla...

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《Unit1 Letsgotoschool》课件小学英语人教版三年级起点三年级下册 2
《Unit1 Letsgotoschool》课件小学英语人教版三年级起点三年级下册 2.ppt

徐官屯街段庄小学王海侠Unit 1 Let’s go to school.(精通)三年级英语上册Lesson 5Lesson 5songUnit 1 Let’...

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《Unit1 ebacktosch》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册
《Unit1 ebacktosch》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册.ppt

Unit 1 e back to school!Part B Let’s learn绿色圃中小学教育网Chenguan Primary SchoolWu YanniLet’s s...

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《Unit1 ebacktosch》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册 1
《Unit1 ebacktosch》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册 1.ppt

Unit 1e back to school!Part ALet’s talk look and say小学英语(PEP)三年级下册北城小学:陈巍Let’s sing...

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《Unit1 ebacktosch》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册 2
《Unit1 ebacktosch》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册 2.ppt

e Back to School!Unit One1Lesson 2GuessChinaGuessAmericaGuessCanadaGuessJapan自我介绍I’m Wu Yifan...

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《Unit1 ebacktosch》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册 3
《Unit1 ebacktosch》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册 3.ppt

Unit 1 e back to school!A let’s learnBy:Miss ZhangUKCanadaUSAChinaI’m Amy .I’m from the UK.Canad...

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《Unit1 ebacktosch》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册 4
《Unit1 ebacktosch》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册 4.ppt

Unit 1 e back to school!A let’s talkBy:Zheng li pingI’m Miss Zheng.I’m from China.I’m from Dato...

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《Unit1 ebacktosch》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册 5
《Unit1 ebacktosch》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册 5.ppt

Let’s talk Look and say王张小学顾艳玲Unit 1e back to school !--Let’s talkBy JulieboyWords:boy 男孩...

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《Unit1 etomynewhome》课件小学英语人教版三年级起点四年级下册
《Unit1 etomynewhome》课件小学英语人教版三年级起点四年级下册.ppt

Lesson 5What is this room?What about that room?bathroomThis is the bathroom.This is the living room....

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Happy? Unhappy?Where is ?Tomplaygroundplay eatdogoreadwatchsing…I like to …in the playground.play ...

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《Unit2 MyfamilyUnit2Myfamily》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册
《Unit2 MyfamilyUnit2Myfamily》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册.ppt

PEP 2 Unit 2 My FamilyPart B Let’s learn碑林区大学南路小学喻华楠He’s my father.She’s my mother.Th...

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《Unit2 MyfamilyUnit2Myfamily》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册 1
《Unit2 MyfamilyUnit2Myfamily》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册 1.ppt

unit2 (B) Lets learn & Lets talk授课人: 孙慧肥城市实验小学PEP三年级下册Hello, my names Bolooloo.What...

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《Unit2 MyfamilyUnit2Myfamily》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册 4
《Unit2 MyfamilyUnit2Myfamily》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册 4.ppt

赣县三溪中心小学作者:刘秋芳family妈妈爸爸姐妹兄弟(外)祖母(外)祖父let`s chant!Mother, mother↗↘, she...

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《Unit2 MyfamilyUnit2Myfamily》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册 2
《Unit2 MyfamilyUnit2Myfamily》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册 2.ppt

Unit 2 My Familyfamilygirl女孩boy男孩woman女人man男人She’s a woman .He’s a man .Introduce your fri...

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《Unit2 ThereisaparknearmyhomeL》课件小学英语人教版三年级起点六年级下册
《Unit2 ThereisaparknearmyhomeL》课件小学英语人教版三年级起点六年级下册.ppt

Lesson 11Let’s play a guessing game.Loot at the picture and guess out the word.bankin front ofbooks...

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《Unit3 AtthezooA》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册 2
《Unit3 AtthezooA》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册 2.ppt

Unit 3 At the zoo德岭山学校王舒宁lionelephantpandabirdtigerIt’s …Look at that giraffe! It’s tallt...

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《Unit3 AtthezooB》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册
《Unit3 AtthezooB》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册.ppt

sUNIT3 At the zooPart B Let’s talkLet’s saylongsmallbigshortLook at the rabbit.It has a tail.short...

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《Unit3 AtthezooA》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册 1
《Unit3 AtthezooA》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册 1.ppt

Unit 3 At the zoo A Let’s learn 齐圪垯中心郭美杰tallshortthinfat看图说句子 Look at… It’s .....

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《Unit3 AtthezooB》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册 1
《Unit3 AtthezooB》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册 1.ppt

UNIT3 At the zooPart A 第一课时 Let’s learn十里铺小学佘仙芝Sing a songin the zooAct the animalsBrai...

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《Unit3 AtthezooB》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册 2
《Unit3 AtthezooB》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册 2.ppt

Unit 3At the zoom金山小学冉冯艳ZOOPARTYbear?dogpigcatduckZOOPARTYbearpigcatduckdogIt’s a…Party!Mat...

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《Unit3 AtthezooB》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册 4
《Unit3 AtthezooB》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册 4.ppt

Unit Three At the zoo(Let’s talk B.Make a monster)1、能听、说、认读small、big 、long 、short并能运用...

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《Unit3 AtthezooC》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册 1
《Unit3 AtthezooC》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册 1.ppt


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《Unit3 AtthezooC》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册
《Unit3 AtthezooC》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册.ppt

PEP2 Unit 3 C Story time学正小学胡瑶轶At the zooIt has a…It is…How many animals do you know(认识)?...

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《Unit3 AtthezooC》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册 3
《Unit3 AtthezooC》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册 3.ppt

UNIT3 At the zoo学校:招贤安乐寨小学授课教师:张瑞华pandabearelephantToday we have a new friend.Who?gi...

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《Unit3 AtthezooUnit3Atthezoo》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册
《Unit3 AtthezooUnit3Atthezoo》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册.ppt

Part A Let’s learn & Let’s doUnit3 At the zoo九座庵学校张雪香It’s a panda.What’s this?It’s an e...

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《Unit3 AtthezooUnit3Atthezoo》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册 4
《Unit3 AtthezooUnit3Atthezoo》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册 4.ppt

Unit 3 At the zooPart A Let’s talk Let’s learnshorttallfatthinFill in the blanks with “tall” or ...

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《Unit3 ThisismyfatherLesson16》课件小学英语人教版三年级起点三年级下册2016
《Unit3 ThisismyfatherLesson16》课件小学英语人教版三年级起点三年级下册2016.ppt

Unit 3 This is my father. Lesson 16克拉玛依市雅典娜小学张欢Home with KidsWhat’s his name?His name i...

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《Unit3 ThisismyfatherLesson16》课件小学英语人教版三年级起点三年级下册 1
《Unit3 ThisismyfatherLesson16》课件小学英语人教版三年级起点三年级下册 1.ppt

Lesson 16Grade 3--Lemonfamily members:fathermotherbrothersisterfather,father,this is my fatherThis i...

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《Unit3 ThisismyfatherLesson16》课件小学英语人教版三年级起点三年级下册 3
《Unit3 ThisismyfatherLesson16》课件小学英语人教版三年级起点三年级下册 3.ppt

Lesson16王口镇第二小学王倩Unit3 This is my fatherFather and mother ,Love they son and daughter .Brot...

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《Unit3 Whatsubjectdoyoulikebest》课件小学英语人教版三年级起点四年级下册
《Unit3 Whatsubjectdoyoulikebest》课件小学英语人教版三年级起点四年级下册.ppt

Unit3 What subject do you like best?Lesson15滨海新区大港西苑小学张玉霞Brainstorminganimalfruitsubjec...

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《Unit3Whatsubjectdoyoulikebest》课件小学英语人教版三年级起点四年级下册 2
《Unit3Whatsubjectdoyoulikebest》课件小学英语人教版三年级起点四年级下册 2.ppt


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《Unit4 WhereismycarA》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册
《Unit4 WhereismycarA》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册.ppt

Unit 4 Where is my car?A Let’s learn河源中学实验学校小学部李琴on the boxin the boxunder the boxondo...

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《Unit4 WhereismycarA》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册 2
《Unit4 WhereismycarA》课件小学英语人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册 2.ppt

Unit 4 Where is my car?Part A: Let’s learn ,Let’s do丰镇市实验小学:陈斐斐Lets singLets learnLets g...

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