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Lesson 388 - all ears - back seat driver
今天Larry开车带李华去购物中心。李华会学到两个常用语:all ears和back seat driver。
LL: (Singing "Just the Way You Are" by Bruno Mars) "Oh, her eyes, her eyes. Make the stars look like they're not shining. Oh her..."
LH: LARRY! 音乐关小声一点!!
(Larry turns the music down)
LL: What was that?
LH: 你音乐不要开那么大声啦,我有件事想问你。
LL: Oh? What is it? I'm all ears.
LH: I'm all ears...你在说什么啊?
LL: I'm all ears means I'm listening attentively. I have all my attention on you now.
LH: 是吗? 你终于肯听我说啦。不过all ears是专注地听别人说话的意思。那我让大家注意听我讲话,就可以说please be all ears. 对吗?
LL: Well, to be all ears is rarely used as a request. You can either say, I am all ears, to indicate you are paying attention, or he or she is all ears to say that another person is paying a lot of attention.
LH: 所以all ears通常是用来形容一个人在仔细听。比较少当做要求是吗?
LL: Yes, that's right. So what was it that you wanted to say?
LH: 啊!对喔, 差点都忘了。就是啊....今天做实验的时候, 跟我同组一个女生, 一直指挥我们做这个做那个的, 真讨人厌。
LL: Ohh. You have a back seat driver in your group?
LH: Back seat driver...后座上的司机,那是什么呢?
LL: A back seat driver is a person who gives unwanted advice; someone who tries to run things even though they don't have the power or authority to do so.
LH: 对对对! 她就是这种人! 也没有让她做组长,她就对我们指手划脚的,哎怎么办呢?
LL: Well, you should let her know that you don't like it when she orders you around.
LH: 我应该清楚地告诉她,不喜

英语学习21 来自淘豆网www.taodocs.com转载请标明出处.

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  • 页数3
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  • 上传人mh900965
  • 文件大小29 KB
  • 时间2018-06-16