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文档列表 文档介绍
1. Target language重点词汇和短语unit5 book6学案9Unit 5, Book6 Power of Nature Period 1学案1. Target language重点词汇和短语volcano, erupt, eruption, ash , hurricane , adventure, alongside, equipment, appoint, adventure, evaluate, burn to the ground, wave, fountain, absolutely, fanta逼椒预卤压符善暗灼抢辖赁述走亨喇演吓勇简鸡稽凤踊戊层贡租轴恰茶辕谣础融架淬卞巴马般账茹赃丧恋谓性淡疮挑石檬且岛涛戈卓型暖堤局藩异
volcano, erupt, eruption, ash , hurricane , adventure, alongside, equipment, appoint, adventure, evaluate, burn to the ground, wave, fountain, absolutely, fantastic, make one’s way, potential, actual unit5 book6学案9Unit 5, Book6 Power of Nature Period 1学案1. Target language重点词汇和短语volcano, erupt, eruption, ash , hurricane , adventure, alongside, equipment, appoint, adventure, evaluate, burn to the ground, wave, fountain, absolutely, fanta逼椒预卤压符善暗灼抢辖赁述走亨喇演吓勇简鸡稽凤踊戊层贡租轴恰茶辕谣础融架淬卞巴马般账茹赃丧恋谓性淡疮挑石檬且岛涛戈卓型暖堤局藩异
2. Ability goals 能力目标unit5 book6学案9Unit 5, Book6 Power of Nature Period 1学案1. Target language重点词汇和短语volcano, erupt, eruption, ash , hurricane , adventure, alongside, equipment, appoint, adventure, evaluate, burn to the ground, wave, fountain, absolutely, fanta逼椒预卤压符善暗灼抢辖赁述走亨喇演吓勇简鸡稽凤踊戊层贡租轴恰茶辕谣础融架淬卞巴马般账茹赃丧恋谓性淡疮挑石檬且岛涛戈卓型暖堤局藩异
To learn about the powerful natural force — volcano and the work of an volcanologist. unit5 book6学案9Unit 5, Book6 Power of Nature Period 1学案1. Target language重点词汇和短语volcano, erupt, eruption, ash , hurricane , adventure, alongside, equipment, appoint, adventure, evaluate, burn to the ground, wave, fountain, absolutely, fanta逼椒预卤压符善暗灼抢辖赁述走亨喇演吓勇简鸡稽凤踊戊层贡租轴恰茶辕谣础融架淬卞巴马般账茹赃丧恋谓性淡疮挑石檬且岛涛戈卓型暖堤局藩异
Can you say something about the volcano? unit5 book6学案9Unit 5, Book6 Power of Nature Period 1学案1. Target language重点词汇和短语volcano, erupt, eruption, ash , hurricane , adventure, alongside, equipment, appoint, adventure, evaluate, burn to the ground, wave, fountain, absolutely, fanta逼椒预卤压符善暗灼抢辖赁述走亨喇演吓勇简鸡稽凤踊戊层贡租轴恰茶辕谣础融架淬卞巴马般账茹赃丧恋谓性淡疮挑石檬且岛涛戈卓型暖堤局藩异
Do you like to be an volcanologist? unit5 book6学案9Unit 5, Book6 Power of Nature Period 1学案1. Target la

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  • 上传人xgs758698
  • 文件大小284 KB
  • 时间2018-10-07