
新风尚3听力课件Unit 1.doc

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Unit One Interests and Hobbies
Section Two Skill Training
Passage One
Since ancient times, culture around the world have been making and performing with puppets. They express the ideas and beliefs of human societies through stories. Puppets are lifeless objects that are controlled in such a way as to e lifelike. It is the role of the puppeteer to make these e alive. Let’s explore the world of Japanese and Turkish puppetry.
In Japan, the tradition of bunraku puppetry dates back hundreds of years. A bunraku poppet is quite large. Unlike most puppets, it requires three puppeteers to control. On puppeteer controls the doll’s head, face, and right hand. Another puppeteer controls the doll’s left hand. And the third operates its legs and feet. The puppeteers train for many years to move as one in bringing the puppet to life to act plex theater productions.
In Turkey, the Karagoz tradition of shadow puppets began around the seventeenth century. These Turkish shadow puppets are flat. They are made of very thin pieces of leather that have been painted with bright colors. With shadow puppets, the puppeteer stands behind a white cloth surface and rests the slightly seen-through puppets against the cloth. Light behind the cloth screen illuminates the colorful puppets for the people watching on the other side.
In addition to shadow puppets, there are three general puppet forms. Rod pu

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  • 页数4
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  • 上传人花花世界
  • 文件大小38 KB
  • 时间2018-11-20