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English for Mechanical Engineering机械工程专业英语常州工学院机电工程学院徐红丽机械工程专业英语?参考书目机械专业英语陈立德主编上海交通大学出版社机械工程专业英语教程高秀成主编国防工业出版社机械工程专业英语教程(第二版)施平主编电子工业出版社机械设计制造及其自动化专业英语(第二版)马玉录、刘东学主编化学工业出版社?答疑秋白楼 A座622?每周三课前交作业绪论机械工程专业英语绪论一、科技英语的语法特点:1、复杂长句多:叙述准确,推理严密 The work-piece may be an ingot of 100 tons and the deforming force provided by a massive forging hammer, but the whole process is controlled by the master smith, who decides each time where and with what force ,the blow should take place.[’i?ɡ?t] n. 【冶】铸模; 铸块, 浇[铸, 钢]锭; 坯料=may be provided第一节科技英语的特点2、被动语态多:占1/3以上1)强调所论的事物,放在句首以突出其重要性。2)动作执行不明或无从指出?The carbon content is raised above %.?No work can be done without energy .***通常译作主动语态更合乎汉语****惯。机械工程专业英语绪论一、科技英语的语法特点:3、非谓语动词多?A machine tool is equipped with a drive havingsufficient power to supply the required 、科技英语的语法特点:二、科技英语中的词汇特点?charge: 、装料、收费、指控、突击、冲锋?、负载、(火箭)燃料、费用、零钱、责任、义务机械工程专业英语2、合成词1、一词多义blueprint overheat oilproof workholder all-in-service 、翻译概论机械工程专业英语翻译标准严复:信---忠于原文达---表达清楚,译文通顺雅---优雅、精练、简洁、传神林语堂:“雅”应改为“美”,?英语水平?汉语水平?专业水平 the Milky WayThe Galaxy [’g?l?ksi] ?词的增减?补充原文中的省略部分Copper is extremely tough but cast-iron is 。?将代词还原为所代名词A material which deforms less under given load is more stiff than one which deforms ,变形小的材料比变形大的材料具有更大的刚度。?词的增减?将关系代词还原为所代名词A worm gear set consists of worm ,which is similar to a screw, and a worm gear ,which is a helical ,蜗杆象丝杆,蜗轮就是螺旋齿轮。?增加一些连接词,使行文流畅Manganese is a hard, brittle, grey-white 。机械工程专业英语绪论

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