
6G白皮书-Network 2030 - A Blueprint of Technology-国际电联正式版.pdf

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Network 2030
A Blueprint of Technology, Applications
and Market Drivers Towards the Year 2030
and Beyond
Written by FG-NET-2030
Executive Summary
The decade preceding 2020 witnessed not only an Exabyte of data transmitted over networks, but more
importantly the advent of autonomous vehicles, beginning of an era of sensors, IoT, and an onset of
immersive media. Collectively, it created billions of new connected end points, with varying sensitivity
to different kinds of resource requirements. It exposed several deficiencies in current network
technologies, especially in wireline networks. As a society we strive for the possibilities of high-resolution
immersive multimedia over the Internet, smart IoTs, factory automation, and autonomous vehicles to
become real. The role of Network 2030 is to identify the right set of network technologies required to
deliver these applications. To be exact, it is scoped to serve up the communication needs of our society
in the year 2030: its purpose remains to address new capabilities of both public and private wireline or
fixed networks.
The fusion of digital and real worlds across all dimensions is the driving theme for Network 2030. We
expect to see lots of automation. A hyper-scale of things will operate at the system level, not in isolated
environments such as private networks: this will demand coordination of distributed intelligence all over
the connectivity fabric. It will be necessary to deliver information in fractional units of time between
machines, robots, and their virtual counter parts to support autonomous operations safely.
The question then is, can we continue doing more of the same and still deliver the promise of new
verticals? Perhaps not. The shape of the Internet hasn’t changed much since the 1980s, but the manner
in which it gets utilized is an ongoing race between the cost and complexity of delivering service

6G白皮书-Network 2030 - A Blueprint of Technology-国际电联正式版 来自淘豆网www.taodocs.com转载请标明出处.

  • 页数19
  • 收藏数0 收藏
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  • 文件大小624 KB
  • 时间2021-04-12