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引起恋爱欲望最初的一个重要因素,很可能是对方身体发出那种适合的气味。 性交快感的诱惑一保持人类一代代延续下去的动力。
我们'位于美国奥斯丁市 得克萨斯大学进化心理学家大卫•巴斯说。
好闻与不餐闻都是挥发性的分子从一方身体随风飘移传送给对方,并且还载着性 方面的暗示。
人很像都动物、很快就能对闻到气味并作出判断,并确认它的价值,正如腐肉可 以传播疾病,由于它发出的气味难闻而让人远远避开,然而热腾腾的甜面包传载 着香子兰、糖、黄油的信息,使人垂涎、引人驻足。
有的人身体发出的气味就能传播他的生理信息,而且对他人还能产生强大的影响 力。
不可见气味的影响力最有名的例证就是,生活在同一社区的月经期女性,她们的 经期往往趋于同步。(一)
The Science of Romance: Why We Love
Bv JEFFREY KLUGER Thursday, Jan. 17, 2008
Photo Illustration by Ann Cutting
The last time you had sex, there was arguably not a thought in your head. ., if it was very familiar sex with a very familiar partner, the kind that—truth be told—you probably have most of the time, your mind may have wandered off to such decidedly nonerotic matters as balancing your checkbook or planning your week. If it was the kind of sex you shouldn't have been having in the first place—the kind you were regretting even as it was taking place—you might have already been flashing ahead to the likely consequences. But if it was that kind of sex that's the whole reason you took up having sex in the first place—the out-of-breath, out-of-body, can-you-believe-this-is-actually-happening kind of sex—the rational you had probably taken a powder.
Losing our faculties over a matter like sex ought not to make much sense for a species like ours that relies on its wits. A savanna full of predators, after all, was not a place to get distracted. But the lure of losing our faculties is one of the things that makes sex thrilling—and one of the very things that keeps the species going. As far as your genes are concerned, your principal job while you're alive is to conceive offspring, bring them to adulthood and then obligingly die so you don*t consume resources better spent on the young. Anything that encourages you to breed now and breed plenty gets that job done.
But mating and the rituals

我们为什么相爱--爱情的科学 来自淘豆网www.taodocs.com转载请标明出处.

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  • 时间2022-07-03