英语词典 A.doc

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A,a/ eI; e/n (pl A's, a's/ eIz; ez/) 1 the first letter of the English alphabet 英语字母表的第一个字母: `Ann' begins with (an) A/`A'. Ann 一字以 A (music 音) the sixth note in the scale ofC major C academic mark indicating the highest standard of work 学业成绩达最高标准的评价符号: get (an) A/`A' in biology 生物( 学科)得 (used to designate a range of standard paper sizes 用以标明一系列标准纸张的规格): [attrib 作定语] an A4 folder A4 纸张大小的文件夹即 297 x 210 mm. 5 (idm****语) A1 / 7eI 5wQn; `e`wQn/(infml 口) excellent; first rate 极好的; 头等的; 第一流的: an 7A1 5dinner 一顿美餐* I'm feeling A1, ie very well. 我身体好极了. from A toB from one place to another 从一处到另一处:I don't care what a car looks like as long as it gets me from A to B. 我倒不在乎汽车的样子, 只要能把我从一处载到另一处就行了. from A toZ from beginning to end; thoroughly 从头到尾; 彻底地: know a subject from A toZ 精通一科目. A-OK / 7eI EU5keI; 9e o`ke/ adj [usu pred 通常作表语] (US infml 口) emphatically OK 极佳; 顶呱呱. Cf 参看 okay. A-road / 5eI rEUd; `e 9rod/ n (Brit) major road, less important than a motorway but usu wider and straighter than a B-road A 级公路(重要性次於高速公路的主干公路, 但通常比 B 级公路宽且直): There's a good A-road going North -- the A1. 有一条良好的 A 级公路通往北方--A 级1号公路. A-side n (music recorded on the) first or main side ofa single-play gramophone record (单曲唱片的) A面, 正面(上的乐曲) .a/ E; E; strong form 强读式 eI; e/ (also an/ En; En; strong form 强读式 An; An/) indef art (The form a is used before consonant sounds and the form an before vowel sounds. Both are used before [C], [Cgp] or [sing] ns that have not previously been made specific. a 用於辅音前, an 用於元音前. 两者均用於前文未曾确指的可数单数名词或集合名词之前.)1 one 一(个) :a man, hotel, girl, committee, unit, U-turn ( 一个) 男人, 旅馆, 姑娘, 委员会, 单位,U 形转弯(Cf 参看 some men, hotels, girls, etc) * an egg, aunt, uncle, hour, X-ray, MP, L-plate ( 一个)蛋, 姑姑, 叔叔, 小时,X 光照片, 下院议员,L 字牌(Cf 参看 some eggs, aunts, uncles, hours, etc) *I can only carry two ata time. 我一次只能携带两个.* There's a book on the table is that the one you want? 桌子上有一本书-- 是不是你要的那一本?2 (used with an abstract n that is restricted by the phrase which follows it 与抽

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  • 时间2016-06-13