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1 基于 51 单片机智能竞赛抢答器设计与实现摘要抢答器作为一种工具,已广泛应用于各种智力和知识竞赛场合。但抢答器的使用频率较低,且有的要么制作复杂,要么可靠性低。本设计是以八路抢答为基本理念,利用单片机的定时器/计数器定时和记数的原理, 将软、硬件有机地结合起来,使得系统能够正确地进行计时,同时使数码管能够正确地显示时间。用开关做键盘输出,扬声器发生提示。同时系统能够实现:在抢答中,只有开始后抢答才有效,如果在开始抢答前抢答为无效;抢答限定时间和回答问题的时间可在1-99 s设定;可以显示是哪位选手有效抢答和无效抢答,正确按键后有音乐提示;抢答时间和回答问题时间倒记时显示,满时后系统计时自动复位及主控强制复位;按键锁定,在有效状态下,按键无效非法。关键词: STC89C51 LED 数码管抢答器计时 ABSTRACT As a tool, the first answer device has been widely used in all kinds of intelligence and knowledge contests occasions. However, it isnot used so frequently due to its plexity, lacking of reliability and reducing interest. And this design is based on the principle of eight-way first answer , with the using of single-chip timer / counter timing and number of the principles in mind, the software and bination, makes the system time correctly, while the digital control to display time correctly. Switch the keyboard todo with output, speaker prompted occurred. At the same time, the system can be realized: In petitive answering game, only after the answer that will be valid, if at the beginning of pre-answer that will be invalid; Competitive answer to the question and the end of the question can be set in 1-99s; it can show who's effective and whose answer ’s invalid, the correct button will prompt after the music; count down to petitive and finished time, when it’s full time the system will be automatic reset and the master will also be forced reset ;keys locked in the effective state, while the key is invalid illegal. K eywords: STC 89C51 LED digital tubes the first answer device Tim e ,抢答不仅考验选手的反应 2 速度同时也要求选手选手具备一定的知识面和勇气。传统的抢答是让抢答者用举手等方法,主持人很容易误判,会造成抢答的不公平。比赛中为了准确、公正、直观地判断出第一抢答者,只有靠电子产品的高准确性来保证抢答的公平性。随着电子技术的发展, 现在的抢答器功能越来越强,可靠性和准确性也越来越高。对于目前抢答器的功能描述,如涵盖抢答器、抢答限时、选手答题计时及犯规组号抢答器具有抢答自锁,灯光指示、暂停复位、电子音乐报声、自动定时等功能,还有工作模式的切换和时间设定,对于这些,随着科学技术的发展,肯定还要得到进一步的改进。一般都要趋向于智能化。 2. 系统分析与总体设计 功能需求基本要求: ,用来控制系统的清零(编号显示数码管灭灯)和抢答器的开始。 。抢答开始后,若有选手按动抢答器按钮,编号立即锁存,并在 LED 数码上显示选手

单片机论文 来自淘豆网www.taodocs.com转载请标明出处.

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  • 时间2016-07-19