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Idioms about animals Idioms about animals Eat like a bird/horse 吃得少/多 early birds 早起的人 A bird in the hand is wroth two in the bush. 双鸟在林不如一鸟在手 Birds of a feather flock together. 物以类聚,人以群分。 It is an ill bird that fouls own nest. 家丑不可外扬。 A little bird told me. 有人私底下告诉我 Rat ?汉语中的“胆小如鼠”,“鼠目寸光”等词皆有猥琐、卑微等意。作为英语俚语中的 rat 指人时喻意与汉语稍有出入,但也含有贬义 eg. I can smell a rat. 我觉得事有蹊跷 You are a rat. 你是一个鼠辈 He rats me out. 他把我给卖了 Cow & Horse ?中国人以牛比喻强壮、勤劳,而在英国马曾经是最重要的交通工具,牛则很少干活,故马在英国文化中是勤劳和吃苦耐劳的象征。 eg. work like a horse 力大如牛 beat a dead horse 做无用功,徒劳 change horse in the mid stream 临阵换将 I am so hungry. I can eat a horse. 我好饿,我可以吃下一匹马。 He eats like a horse. 他吃得很多。 I got it straight from the horse ’ s mouth. 我是听当事人亲口说的。 That ’ s a horse of a different color. 那完全是另外一回事。 Some other phrase ? have a cow 生气? as happy as a cow 快乐的像只鸟? Why buy the cow when the milk is free. 何必为了一棵树而放弃整片森林。 tiger & lion ?如果在中国文化中老虎是“林中之王”,那么在英美文化中这顶桂冠就要送给狮子。狮子隐喻勇敢、彪悍的人。? as majestic as a lion 勇猛威严? The British Lion 不列颠之狮(指英国) ? the lion's mouth 虎穴? throw feed to the lions 送入虎口? a lion in the way 拦路虎 Rabbit /Hare ?兔子在中国文化中可谓有褒有贬,生性温顺老实,所以属兔的人多被认为高贵大方、深受爱戴。但“狡兔三窟”,“兔崽子”等词又可以看出它的不好之处。在英语中则常用作贬义。? Rabbit and hare are on behalf of insecurity or a person who play a game badly 不可靠或玩弄花招的人? rabbit 在口语中指拙劣的运动员(尤指网球运动员) ? As verb it is used to call names eg. odd rabbit 该死 hare In English slang, hare refer to person that don't pay for the bus ticket . mad as a march hare 十分狂野的,野性大发的 make hare of sb. 愚弄某人 hare-brained 轻率的、愚蠢的、鲁莽的 Sheep/Coat/Ram 在中国的生肖文化中,属羊的人高贵迷人,热爱自然,有艺术气质,外柔内刚。而在英语中羊则多用于贬义。? sheep 作贬义时喻指“害羞扭捏的胆小鬼”、“愚蠢的人”? a black sheep 害群之马/败家子? a lost sheep 误入歧途的人? cast/ make sheep's eyes at 向··· ···愚蠢的送秋波? sheep 作褒义时 eg. separate the sheep from the goats 分辨善人与恶人 a wolf in sheep's clothing 披着羊皮的狼? goat (山羊) & ram (公羊) 指色鬼,***荡的人,也可指替罪羊,牺牲品 eg. play/ act the giddy goat 行为如小丑

关于动物的英语习语 来自淘豆网www.taodocs.com转载请标明出处.

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  • 文件大小1.56 MB
  • 时间2016-08-15