Official IELTS Practice 2 Academic Reading【精品】.pdf

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CandⅡate Number ∶耋∷~昌≡≡∷∶耋∷ o■■■∷艹■■〓 Candidate Narne INTERNATIONAL ENGLIsH LANGuACE TEsTING sVsTEM ●381'1 AcademIc Reading PRACTICE MATERIALs Add⒒ ional materia丨 Answer sheet for Listening and Reading Ⅵme 1hour lNsTRUCTIONs TO CANDIDATEs DO not open this quesⅡon paper until you are to丨dto do so。 Write your name and candidate number∶n七he spaces atthe top。fthis page■ Read the instructions for each part ofthe paper carefu"y。 Answer a"the quesⅡ。 ns。 lVrite your answers on the answer sheet。 use a penc". You p丨ete the answer sheet within the刂me Ⅱ mit。 Atthe end ofthe test,hand in both this ques刂 on paper and your answer sheet。 INFORMATION F0R CANDIDATEs There are4o ques刂ons° n this ques刂on paper。 Each question carHes one rη ark。 1hour 8:嚣 J逞1 UN叫RsITYoFCAMBRIDGE EsOL Examhations PV1 ◎UCLES2010 孕 A 厂^ 2 READING PAssAGE1 you sP,ouJd spe刀d aDo〃f20`"'冖 ufes o冖QuesJo刀 st。t3`Wr,汜 r,a「e based o″ Re臼△ng Passage彳 0刀pages3a刀 d亻 QUes盯 0刀s彳-6 Reading Passage1has six paragraphs,n卜 F. C幻oose fhe correcf宀ea亠 ng FOr each parag旧ρ宀From fhe″ sf of幻eaJ冖 gs De`ow. M抬 fr,ec。rrecf刀EJmbe‘卜力1'冖 boXes t-6o刀 y0ur a刀sWer sheen ■Ⅰ〓Ⅲ〓Ⅲ·ⅣⅥ■Ⅵ■Ⅸ st of Headings The appearance and|ocauon of diferent seaweeds The nutri刂 onal va丨ue of seaweeds How seaweeds reproduce and grow HoW to make agarfrom seaweeds The unde卜 use of native seaweeds Seaweed species at Γ isk of eXtinction Recipes for how to∞ok seaweeds The range of seaweed products ulhy seaweeds don’ t sink or dry out 1 2 3 4 5 6 Paragraph A Paragraph B Paragraph C Paragraph D Paragraph E Paragraph F 14丨黛 A seaweeds of New zeaIand Seaweed is a particuIaHy、〃 ho丨esome food`、Ⅳ hich absorbs and cOncentrates : ∶汛∷`℃茹:打:ζ促删‰龇:r::`叩J甜甘扌:l∶玎∷烈:∶甘 sbyTi在:J∶⒊ lIr盟 ds引 e =J嬲括饣点 i』黥∶∶∶∶(l虽r强:罂 o帑∫∶∫∶ 1嬲:d hodence d go〃o among抵扭 pan∝昌:r∶ l品F∶扌弼λ 1f咒踹汔 w m山 gen。“ M涮 peop℃`who have引黥:Fl::c;∶蚤冒:⒈l甯 It∫;l犭扌阝酬 be attributed t°the high iodine content 状思 f:Ⅰ:帛甜 m耐苜:萎臭掊襻:盯括氵:箔苜找。γ靶 uve ω Nevv Zea丨and and sown there from seeds brought by sett丨ers and exp丨 orers。As with

Official IELTS Practice 2 Academic Reading【精品】 来自淘豆网www.taodocs.com转载请标明出处.

  • 页数14
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  • 上传人薄荷牛奶
  • 文件大小0 KB
  • 时间2016-06-25